118 Environmental Awareness Days for 2024

Environmental Awareness Days are special occasions throughout the year that serve as reminders to appreciate and protect our natural world. Every year, various dates have been designated to raise awareness about important environmental issues, celebrate nature and promote sustainable living. Below is a comprehensive list of Environmental Awareness Days 2024, each with its unique focus and significance. Let's take a closer look at these dates and the initiatives they represent!

Month 1 - 6


  • Veganuary 2024 (January 1 - January 31)

    Veganuary encourages individuals to embrace a plant-based lifestyle for the month of January, promoting the benefits of reducing animal agriculture's environmental impact.

    Find out more at veganuary.com

  • RSPB’s Big School Birdwatch 2024 (January 8 - February 19)

    A fantastic initiative for schools, the Big Schools Birdwatch encourages students to observe and document the bird species visiting their school grounds, fostering an appreciation for local wildlife.

  • Houseplant Week UK 2024 (January 9 - January 15)

    Houseplant Week celebrates the beauty and benefits of indoor plants, promoting their air-purifying qualities and how they contribute to a healthier living environment.

    Created by David Domoney

  • Big Energy Saving Week 2024 (January 17 - January 23)

    During Big Energy Saving Week, people are educated on ways to reduce energy consumption, save money and contribute to lower carbon emissions.

  • Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024 (January 21 - All day)

    On Squirrel Appreciation Day, we acknowledge the vital role squirrels play in ecosystem health and the importance of preserving their habitats.


  • World Wetlands Day 2024 (February 2 - All day)

    World Wetlands Day raises awareness about the significance of wetlands for biodiversity, water purification, and flood mitigation.

    Get all the facts at World Wetlands Day

  • National Weatherperson's Day 2024 (February 5 - All day)

    On this day, we recognise the vital role weather forecasters play in communicating climate information and raising awareness about weather-related challenges.

  • World Day of the Sick 2024 (February 11 - All day)

    This day highlights the impact of environmental factors on public health, emphasising the need to address environmental challenges to protect human well-being.

  • International Book Giving Day 2023 (February 14 - All day)

    A day to promote literacy and environmental awareness, International Book Giving Day encourages the sharing of books and knowledge.

  • Care Day 2024 (February 17 - All day)

    Care Day celebrates and advocates for the well-being of children and young people in care, recognising the importance of providing a nurturing environment.

  • Random Acts of Kindness Day 2024 (February 17 - All day)

    Although not directly environmental, this day encourages acts of kindness towards others, fostering a sense of community and compassion, which are essential for collective efforts in safeguarding the environment.


  • Cultivation Street Week 2024 (March 6 - March 12)

    Cultivation Street Week celebrates community gardening and its role in building sustainable, green spaces that benefit both people and wildlife.

  • English Tourism Week 2024 (March 18 - March 27)

    This event celebrates the beauty of England's natural and cultural heritage, encouraging sustainable tourism and appreciation for local attractions.

  • The Great British Spring Clean 2024 (March 15 - March 31)

    This nationwide campaign inspires people to clean up litter and protect the environment, fostering a cleaner, greener country.

    Keep Britain Clean shares how to get involved!

  • Global Recycling Day 2024 (March 18 - All day)

    Global Recycling Day emphasises the importance of recycling to conserve resources and minimise waste's negative impact on the environment.

  • Spring Equinox (First Day of Spring) 2024 (March 20 - All day)

    The arrival of spring is celebrated, highlighting the changing seasons and the natural cycles that sustain life on Earth.

  • The Big Walk and Wheel 2024 (March 11 - March 22)

    Previously known as The Big Pedal, this event encourages walking and cycling for sustainable transportation and healthier living.

  • Tick Bite Prevention Week 2024 (March 24 - March 30)

    This week educates people about tick-borne diseases and prevention methods when venturing into nature.

  • International Day of Forests 2023 (March 21 - All day)

    This day raises awareness about the critical role forests play in biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, and providing vital resources.

    The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012!

  • World Water Day 2024 (March 22 - All day)

    World Water Day highlights the importance of clean water access, water conservation and tackling water-related challenges worldwide.

  • World Meteorological Day 2024 (March 23 - All day)

    This day celebrates the contributions of meteorological science in understanding climate change and weather patterns.


  • International Dark-Sky Week 2023 (April 2 - April 8)

    International Dark-Sky Week aims to raise awareness of light pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human well-being.

    Find a whole list of events at International Dark-Sky Week

  • Community Garden Week 2024 (April 3 - April 9)

    Community Garden Week promotes community involvement in urban gardening projects that enhance green spaces and foster a sense of belonging.

  • Walk To Work Day 2024 (April 7 - All day)

    On this day, individuals are encouraged to choose sustainable transportation and walk to work to reduce carbon emissions and improve health.

  • International Microvolunteering Day 2024 (April 15 - All day)

    This day advocates for small acts of volunteering, highlighting that even small efforts can make a significant impact on environmental causes.

  • International Mother Earth Day 2024 (April 22 - All day)

    On this day, we celebrate the Earth and promote sustainable practices to protect and preserve our planet for future generations.

  • World Malaria Day 2024 (April 25 - All day)

    World Malaria Day aims to raise awareness about this preventable disease and the importance of environmental interventions in malaria control.

  • World Penguin Day 2024 (April 25 - All day)

    This day celebrates and raises awareness about penguins and their vulnerability to environmental changes.

  • Brake Zebra's Beep Beep Day 2024 (April 24 - All day)

    Brake's Beep Beep Day promotes road safety awareness for children, encouraging sustainable and safe transportation practices.

  • Stop Food Waste Day 2023 (April 24 - All day)

    This day focuses on reducing food waste and its impact on the environment, promoting mindful consumption habits.

    View the full site at stopfoodwasteday.com

  • National Arbor Day 2024 (April 26 - All day)

    Arbor Day celebrates tree planting and highlights the environmental benefits of trees in mitigating climate change.


  • Sun Awareness Week 2024 (May 1 - May 7)

    Sun Awareness Week educates about the importance of sun protection to prevent skin damage and promotes environmental sustainability in sunscreens.

  • National Gardening Week 2024 (April 29 - May 5)

    National Gardening Week encourages people to embrace gardening, connect with nature, and create green spaces in their communities.

  • National Clean Air Month 2024 (May 1 - May 31)

    National Clean Air Month focuses on air quality awareness and the importance of reducing air pollution for public health and the environment.

    Air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK, you can find out more at Action for Clean Air

  • National Walking Month 2024 (May 1 - May 31)

    This month promotes walking as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation, encouraging people to explore their surroundings on foot.

  • The Big Paddle Cleanup 2023 (May 1 - May 31)

    The Big Paddle Cleanup promotes the cleaning of water bodies, highlighting the importance of protecting marine ecosystems.

  • Compost Week UK 2024 (May 5 - May 11)

    This week focuses on composting and its role in reducing waste, enriching soil and promoting sustainable gardening practices.

    Find resources at Compost Research & Education Foundation

  • International Dawn Chorus Day 2024 (May 5 - All day)

    On this day, nature enthusiasts celebrate the beauty of birdsong and the importance of preserving bird habitats.

  • Go Public Gardens Days 2024 (May 10)

    Go Public Gardens Days encourages visits to public gardens, showcasing their role in conservation and environmental education.

  • World Fairtrade Day 2024 (May 11 - All day)

    World Fairtrade Day raises awareness about fair and ethical trade practices that benefit producers and promote sustainability.

    Find ideas at World Fair Trade Organization

  • Walk To School Week 2024 (May 16 - May 20)

    This week promotes walking to school to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and promote physical activity among students.

  • Idling Awareness Day 2024 (May 17 - All day)

    Idling Awareness Day educates about the harmful effects of vehicle idling and encourages drivers to turn off their engines when parked.

  • World Meditation Day 2024 (May 21 - All day)

    This day emphasises the connection between inner peace and environmental well-being, promoting mindfulness for a more sustainable world.

  • World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 2024 (May 21 - All day)

    This day celebrates cultural diversity and its role in enriching societies, fostering respect for diverse traditions and knowledge of indigenous practices for environmental conservation.

  • World Turtle Day 2024 (May 23 - All day)

    World Turtle Day raises awareness about turtle conservation and the threats they face in their natural habitats.

  • National Children's Gardening Week 2024 (May 25 - June 2)

    This week encourages children to explore gardening and nature, fostering a love for the environment from an early age.

  • Water Saving Week 2024 (May 27 - May 31)

    Water Saving Week highlights the importance of water conservation and responsible water usage.

    Waterwise will take you step by step through the week!

  • World Hunger Day 2024 (May 28 - All day)

    World Hunger Day raises awareness about global hunger and the importance of sustainable food systems.

  • International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2024 (May 29 - All day)

    On this day, peacekeepers' efforts are recognised, including their contributions to conflict resolution for a more peaceful world.


  • Butterfly Education and Awareness Day (BEAD) 2023 (June 1 - All day)

    BEAD focuses on butterfly conservation and their ecological significance in maintaining healthy ecosystems.

  • World Environment Day 2024 (June 5 - All day)

    World Environment Day is a global celebration of environmental protection and sustainable practices.

    Look back at Solutions to Plastic Pollution

  • World Oceans Day 2024 (June 8 - All day)

    World Oceans Day emphasises the importance of healthy oceans and the need to protect marine ecosystems.

    2023 Conservation Action Focus: Protect at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030

  • National Growing for Wellbeing Week 2024 (June 3 - June 9)

    This week highlights the therapeutic benefits of gardening and green spaces for mental and physical well-being.

  • Garden Wildlife Week 2024 (June 6 - June 12)

    Garden Wildlife Week celebrates the diverse wildlife found in gardens and encourages creating wildlife-friendly spaces.

  • Bike Week 2024 (June 10 - June 16)

    Bike Week promotes cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation and a healthy lifestyle choice.

  • Brake's Kids Walk 2024 (June 19 - All day)

    Brake's Kids Walk encourages children to walk safely and sustainably to school, promoting road safety and physical activity.

  • National Clean Air Day 2024 (June 15 - All day)

    National Clean Air Day raises awareness about air pollution and encourages actions to improve air quality.

  • World Refill Day 2024 (June 16 - All day)

    World Refill Day promotes the reduction of single-use plastics by encouraging the use of refillable containers.

    Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Repeat.

  • World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2024 (June 17 - All day)

    This day raises awareness about the impact of desertification and drought on land degradation and sustainable land management.

  • World Refugee Day 2024 (June 20 - All day)

    World Refugee Day emphasises the environmental challenges faced by displaced populations and the need for sustainable solutions.

  • Global Car Recycling Day 2024 (June 20 - All day)

    This day highlights the importance of car recycling for reducing waste and conserving resources.

  • World Sand Dune Day 2024 (June 24 - All day)

    World Sand Dune Day celebrates the beauty and importance of sand dune ecosystems for coastal protection and biodiversity.

  • Day of the Seafarer 2024 (June 25 - All day)

    Day of the Seafarer recognises the vital role of seafarers in global trade and the need to protect marine environments.

  • National Catfish Day in the USA 2024 (June 25 - All day)

    This day celebrates catfish and raises awareness about the importance of responsible fishing practices.

Month 7 - 12


  • Clean Beaches Week 2024 (July 1 - July 7)

    Clean Beaches Week promotes beach cleanup efforts and sustainable practices to preserve coastal environments.

  • International Plastic Bag Free Day 2024 (July 3 - All day)

    International Plastic Bag Free Day encourages reducing plastic bag usage to combat plastic pollution.

    SmartBags share useful facts and information about this day.

  • Don't Step on a Bee Day 2024 (July 10 - All day)

    This day highlights the importance of bees and their role in pollination, promoting bee conservation.

    Learn more about why Bees need protection from Henley Naturals.

  • World Population Day 2024 (July 11 - All day)

    World Population Day raises awareness about population growth and its impact on environmental sustainability.

  • National Simplicity Day 2024 (July 12 - All day)

    National Simplicity Day encourages embracing a simpler lifestyle and reducing material consumption.

  • International Tiger Day 2024 (July 29 - All day)

    International Tiger Day focuses on tiger conservation and efforts to protect these majestic creatures.

  • Plastic Free July 2024 (July 1 - July 31)

    Plastic Free July challenges individuals to reduce single-use plastic consumption and make sustainable choices.

    Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste.

  • National Marine Week 2024 (July 27 - August 11)

    National Marine Week celebrates marine biodiversity and the need for ocean conservation.

  • Love Parks Week 2024 (July 24 - August 2)

    Love Parks Week promotes appreciation and care for public parks and green spaces.


  • Cycle To Work Day 2024 (August 3 - All day)

    On this day, individuals are encouraged to cycle to work, reducing carbon emissions and promoting active transportation.

  • National Allotments Week 2024 (August 7 - August 13)

    National Allotments Week celebrates community gardening and the benefits of allotments for food security and well-being.

  • International Youth Day 2024 (August 12 - All day)

    International Youth Day highlights young people's role in environmental activism and sustainability.

  • World Humanitarian Day 2024 (August 19 - All day)

    World Humanitarian Day celebrates humanitarian efforts, including those addressing environmental crises and disasters.

    WHD is a campaign by the United Nations


  • Secondhand September 2024 (September 1 - September 30)

    Secondhand September encourages choosing secondhand and pre-loved items to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

  • Organic September 2024 (September 1 - September 30)

    Organic September promotes organic farming and consumption for healthier ecosystems and food systems.

    Check out the Soil Association to find out how to get involved!

  • International Day of Charity 2024 (September 5 - All day)

    This day encourages charitable actions, including those supporting environmental causes and conservation efforts.

  • International Vulture Awareness Day 2024 (September 7 - All day)

    Vulture Awareness Day focuses on vulture conservation and their vital role in ecosystems.

  • Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day 2024 (September 7 - All day)

    This day promotes the cleanup of federal lands, fostering responsible outdoor recreational practices.

  • Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 (September 9 - September 22)

    Fairtrade Fortnight promotes the ethical treatment of farmers and workers in developing countries and encourages consumers to support fair and sustainable trade practices.

    Everything Fairtrade!

  • International Day of Democracy 2024 (September 15 - All day)

    International Day of Democracy recognises the importance of democratic processes in addressing environmental issues.

  • International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2024 (September 16 - All day)

    This day raises awareness about ozone depletion and the success of the Montreal Protocol in protecting the ozone layer.

    More information available from the United Nations

  • European Mobility Week 2024 (September 16 - September 22)

    European Mobility Week promotes sustainable transportation choices to reduce air pollution and congestion.

  • Great British Beach Clean 2024 (September 15 - September 24)

    This event encourages cleaning beaches to protect marine ecosystems and raise awareness about plastic pollution.

  • International Day of Peace 2024 (September 21 - All day)

    International Day of Peace highlights the relationship between peace and ask us all to consider what a peaceful and harmonious world looks like.

  • World Car Free Day 2024 (September 22 - All day)

    World Car Free Day encourages individuals to leave their cars at home, promoting eco-friendly transportation alternatives.

  • Seed Gathering Season 2024 (September 23 - October 23)

    Seed Gathering Season celebrates the collection and preservation of native plant seeds for ecological restoration.

  • National Public Lands Day 2024 (September 28 - All day)

    National Public Lands Day encourages volunteering to improve public lands and parks.

  • National Hunting and Fishing Day 2024 (September 28 - All day)

    This day celebrates responsible hunting and fishing practices that support conservation efforts.

  • FSC Forest Week 2024 (September 24 - September 23 - September 29)

    FSC Forest Week promotes responsible forestry practices and sustainable wood sourcing.

    Register for FSC Forest Week 2023

  • Cycle To School Week 2024 (September 25 - September 29)

    Cycle To School Week encourages cycling to school to promote active transportation and reduce emissions.

  • Wool Week 2024 (September 29 - October 5)

    Wool Week highlights the environmental benefits of wool and sustainable wool production.

  • World Rabies Day 2024 (September 28 - All day)

    World Rabies Day raises awareness about rabies prevention and the importance of vaccinating pets.


  • World Vegetarian Day 2024 (October 1 - All day)

    World Vegetarian Day encourages plant-based diets for environmental and health benefits.

  • International Walk to School Month 2024 (October 1 - October 31)

    International Walk to School Month promotes walking to school for healthier and greener communities.

  • National Hygiene Week 2024 (October 7 - October 13)

    National Hygiene Week emphasises proper hygiene practices, including responsible waste disposal, for a cleaner environment.

    Find out how to get involved at The Hygiene Bank

  • World Habitat Day 2024 (October 7 - All day)

    World Habitat Day raises awareness about urbanization and its impact on habitats and biodiversity.

  • World Animal Day 2024 (October 4 - All day)

    World Animal Day celebrates animals and promotes their welfare and conservation.

  • No Disposable Cup Day 2024 (October 4 - All day)

    No Disposable Cup Day encourages using reusable cups to reduce single-use waste.

    ‘The UK is one of the worst in the World in disposable cup waste using 2.5 billion cups a year’

    - No Disposable Cup

  • Boycott Your Bed 2024 (October 5 - All day)

    Boycott Your Bed raises funds for youth homelessness while promoting appreciation for home and shelter.

  • National Badger Day 2024 (October 6 - All day)

    National Badger Day raises awareness about badger conservation and their importance in ecosystems.

  • National Fossil Day in the USA 2024 (October 16 - All day)

    National Fossil Day promotes fossil preservation and education about Earth's history.

  • International Astronomy Day 2024 (October 18 - All day)

    International Astronomy Day celebrates astronomy and the importance of dark skies for stargazing.

  • World Food Day 2024 (October 16 - All day)

    World Food Day raises awareness about global food security and sustainable agriculture.

    Collective action across 150 countries worldwide, in up to 50 languages, is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar.

  • National Adoption Week 2024 (October 21 - October 27)

    National Adoption Week promotes adoption and fostering while fostering compassion for children in need.

  • Recycle Week 2024 (October 21 - October 27)

    Recycle Week promotes recycling efforts and the importance of responsible waste management.

    In its 20th year, Recycle Week is Recycle Now’s flagship annual event.


  • Geography Awareness Week 2024 (November 13 - November 19)

    Geography Awareness Week emphasises the significance of geography in environmental understanding.

  • Science Week Ireland 2024 (November 13 - November 20)

    Science Week Ireland promotes scientific literacy and understanding of environmental issues.

  • Oceans Of Plastic 2024 (November 19 - All day)

    Oceans Of Plastic raises awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems.

    Learn more at Prevented Ocean Plastic!

  • Carers Rights Day 2024 (November 23 - All day)

    Carers Rights Day supports and raises awareness about the needs of caregivers and the importance of self-care.


  • World Soil Day 2024 (December 5 - All day)

    World Soil Day focuses on soil conservation and the role of healthy soils in supporting life.

  • International Volunteers Day 2024 (December 5 - All day)

    International Volunteers Day celebrates the contributions of volunteers to environmental causes and communities.

  • International Migrants Day 2024 (December 18 - All day)

    International Migrants Day recognizes the challenges faced by migrants, including environmental factors.

  • Festival Of Winter Walks 2024 (December 26 - All day)

    Festival Of Winter Walks promotes walking in nature during the winter season.

Environmental Awareness Days in 2023 offer opportunities to learn, engage and take action in safeguarding our planet and fostering sustainable living. Each day or week commemorates essential environmental themes, encouraging individuals and communities to make a positive impact on the environment and preserve the natural world for generations to come. Embracing these initiatives, we can collectively contribute to a healthier and greener future.

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